Lately I’ve been thinking about how much I can’t wait to get to heaven.  There is so much about heaven that I know absolutely nothing about.  But there are a few things that I do imagine...

I am so looking forward to that moment when I see my Creator God face to face.  He and I are going to look at each other with a knowing smile.  Perhaps we'll have a good long laugh together because I might just say, “I see what you did there.”  

Then I think my laughter will change to tears, and I will begin to sob.

For reasons that only the Creator of my soul understands, I think I will begin to sob. 

There’s going to be something about that warm embrace from the One who knows, loves, and understands me completely.  He understands.  He understands like no one else can.  I think I will put my head on His shoulder and sob like a baby for a very, very long time. 

And that will be ok.

And He will understand.  And He will embrace me.  And He will soothe me.  And He will permanently remove my sorrows.

And as I am curled up on His lap like a little child, basking in His embrace, I won’t have to care if there are long lines of people behind me waiting their turn, because He is Omnipresent.  

...And out of the corner of my eye, I might catch a glimpse of Julia as she is calypso-dancing her heart out with her Heavenly Father - a sight I could gaze on with joy for all eternity... And I think He just might provide her with her own personal steel drum band that follows her wherever she goes...

And I want to look at Jesus Christ, my Savior, and begin mouthing the words that in His Glorious Presence just can't possibly seem to be enough:    thank you.


thank you.

And I can’t wait to look in His eyes – those beautiful, knowing Eyes of everlasting wisdom, power, love, compassion, mercy, and understanding. 

Nothing in all the universe will be like it.  

And I will notice my new body - that I have been fully healed and restored to a kind of heavenly wholeness and completeness.  Then I think the Great Holy Spirit Companion, my old familiar friend, might hold my hand and walk with me to the spot where I will get to join the throngs of millions of voices raised in praise, singing heavenly eternal anthems to Glorious Magnificent Almighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Worthy is the Lamb

Holy, Holy, Holy

Blessing and honor, glory, and power be unto Him who is Worthy


12/14/2012 12:31:00 am

Thank you!!!!!

Charlotte Holland
12/14/2012 07:54:39 am

Wow! Brought a tear to my eyes, the Glory of the Lord!


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    Jen Oslund

    His grace is sufficient for me, for His Power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  - II Cor 12:9,10


    October 2012

