Sometimes God gives us difficult experiences to change our perspective.

For me, this is a huge understatement.  Yes, God uses difficult circumstances in my life to change my perspective.  Ridiculously so.

Compassion is not one of my spiritual gifts.  I used to be the kind of person who had little patience for children who were unruly in public.   Even as I mothered two raucous boys of my own, my personal high standards translated to judgment on strangers and their children when they were unable to contain their children in public.  God must have been chuckling at my horror when I turned around in the grocery store to the sight of my own two young sons on the floor, practicing their wrestling moves in the aisles. 

Then, God gave me a child with Autism.

As we began living through those hellish early years with her that to me translated into a living nightmare, I began to develop a new outlook.  It was as if God gave me a new pair of glasses to see things in a way I never considered before.

I began to fully understand that maybe, just maybe, those strangers were dealing with things way beyond the scope of their strengths or abilities. 

Maybe, just maybe, those parents were using every ounce of strength they could muster in order to make whatever best they could of a horrible situation.

I am lucky.  For me, the journey has been made sufferable because of one and only one reason:  Jesus Christ.  He is my Anchor.  He is my compassionate Friend.  He is always with me and has comforted me like no human ever could.  He gives me hope.  I don’t know how I would have survived without His hope.

Recently, I observed a young mother and her son at a community event for individuals with special needs.  They’ve stuck out in my mind because – quite frankly, I get her.  I have watched her young son and noticed the behavioral issues that he struggles with.  And I see his mother and I completely get it.  I understand.  The look on her face – the stress she is trying to hide.  I totally get it, because I’ve been there.  I know what she is going through, because I’ve lived it myself.

My heart breaks for mothers like these.

Because of what I have experienced, God has changed my perspective.  Instead of passing judgment, I find myself asking God to guide me in how I might be an encouragement to other mothers who are living through difficult circumstances like mine.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”  (II Cor 1:3-5)

Carol Serb
3/13/2013 08:59:04 am

Isn't it amazing how God refines us? Loves us so much that he gently, and patiently refines us...

3/14/2013 12:45:38 am

God has given you a gift of words! Love your heart! This is what I have shared often with parents of prodigals too! It's a tough journey but I wouldn't trade it! He is so close to those that suffer....I love this! (-:


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    Jen Oslund

    His grace is sufficient for me, for His Power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  - II Cor 12:9,10


    October 2012

