It’s difficult to write when you’re busy climbing mountains.

I finally realized why it took me so long to start this blog site, or even begin writing anything at all. 

Because I was busy climbing mountains.

I’m in the midst of more mountain climbing, but this time I’m going to try doing it with pen and paper in hand, so to speak.  I hope you’ll bear with me because writing while you’re climbing doesn’t make for the best penmanship.

We’ve come a long way, and sometimes I find myself amazed that she is in high school.  She has come soooo far!  The last two years of middle school were absolutely amazing.  Now that we are in a whole new building with an entirely clean slate of staff, though, I find myself yearning for what was.

I actually had a dream last night that I bumped into her case manager from middle school and ended up doing a lot of crying on her shoulder.

Once again, I find myself strapping on those old familiar mountain climbing boots, picking up my pack, and heading up the trail.

I have a few cliffs to scale this week.  I am hoping just this week, but something tells me it might take a lot longer.  We have a few situations with some teachers that are a struggle.  (Running an Autism classroom like boot camp, for one.)  I have a lot of discussions and meetings ahead of me. 

I’ve done this before.  Maybe that’s why I find myself staring at the precipice with dread. 

Because I know what an exhausting process it is.

The good news is I’m not in this alone.  I have a Guide and Companion.  He works miracles.  He’s done it before.  I’m confident of His skills and expertise.  I’m counting on Him.

One step in front of the other.

[Ha.  Just as I was typing up the verse below, her glasses broke as she was getting ready for school.  Autism folks don’t react well to those kinds of set-backs.  I’ve dealt with the meltdown, and sent her on her way – sans glasses.   “I’m blind!!!”]

We’ve done this so many times before, yet every time it’s exhausting.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isa 40:31

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    Jen Oslund

    His grace is sufficient for me, for His Power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  - II Cor 12:9,10


    October 2012

