It’s 7 am, and the sound of piercing screams is coming from the bedroom.  Her back is hurting again.  She has a pinched nerve not unlike that which so many of us have experienced.  But her Autism removes a lot of the buffers that allow most of us to cope with difficult or painful situations, and with every scream I feel like a nerve of my own is being pinched.  I suffer with her, as my heart breaks over her pain.

She is under the care of a chiropractor, but it will take time and lots of visits for him to get it back to normal.  Until then, there is still much pain.

In my last blog, I wrote about mountain climbing.  This is another of those mountains.  Many times I feel that I am somehow climbing 5 or 6 mountains at the same time – either that or they are all combined into one long, harrowing, heart-thumping iron man course.

“He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak.”  (Isa 40:29)

So many times, in the midst of those moments  - the ones when her screams are piercing my heart, when the mountain crags seem most foreboding – I cry out, “Oh God, please help!” 

And in the midst of those moments I discover a calmness of heart that wasn’t there before, and a supernatural surge of strength and skill and patience.

My trail guide is suddenly right there beside me, supporting me and helping me to find secure footing and keep going up.  I catch a quick glimpse into those Eyes of understanding and love.  Oh how He loves me!  Oh how He loves her!

And so we press on. 

Soon, I find myself on a level place on the path.  It’s just a small level place, but it’s enough to stop and set my pack down and grab a quick drink of cool, refreshing water. I look back at what I’ve just come through and tears fill my eyes.

My Savior is quick to surround me with His comforting Arms of compassion, and I take a few moments to cry. 

I wish I could just stop here and be done with the climbing.  But I look down and see that these boots have so molded themselves to my feet that they are somehow a part of me.  It’s who I am.

And so I pick up my back and get back on the trail.

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    Jen Oslund

    His grace is sufficient for me, for His Power is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  - II Cor 12:9,10


    October 2012

